20 Hot London Startups

20 Hot London Startups

Starting a company is a like a roller coaster of emotions with great highs and at times, difficult lows, but one thing that always helps me through the ups and downs is to bond with some of the greatest minds. 

Most entrepreneurs assume they’ll have to move to Silicon Valley to make it big. Let’s face it, some regions are more abundant with investors, resources and talent than others.

But if you’re in or near London, you might consider staying put the startups below prove that building a great company with staying power can be done in The Big Smoke.

Yahoo Will Put Tumblr on Same Level as Facebook, Twitter

Yahoo Will Put Tumblr on Same Level as Facebook, Twitter

Fred Wilson, says the Yahoo deal will lead to an influx of advertising on the Tumblr’s platform and bring it to the level of Facebook and Yahoo in advertisers’ minds.

My Tumblr page http://dollarpoundeuro.tumblr.com/