4 Tips for Staying Productive While You Travel

4 Tips for Staying Productive While You Travel

Not too long ago, work meant being in an office and travel meant not working. Today, with both flexible employers and digital communication tools, many of us can work from anywhere. But, it’s easier said than done.

Navigating airports and finding outlets and Wi-Fi can be half the battle. Then, a task that usually takes half an hour suddenly takes so much longer because you’re out of your element. Whether you’re on a real vacation and just want to check in with your crew, or are on a working vacation, or are traveling for work, these four tips should help you stay productive while away from your home base.

5 Tips for Using Pinterest to Drive Traffic

5 Tips for Using Pinterest to Drive Traffic

Pinterest has grown tremendously, from 7 million uses in 2011, to over 30 million active users now (per comScore), with the largest percent actually comprised of women.

What’s even more fascinating is that, when it comes to social media marketing, Pinterest, the darling network of brides-to-be, fashionistas and budding home decorators, tends to drive more referral traffic to sites than Google+, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn and all other social sites out there combined according to Mashable.com. Now that’s revolutionary!